Showing 85–96 of 144 results

  • Philodendron Black Cardinal | Congo Black

    0 out of 5
    • Philodendron Black Cardinal has blackish green broad oval leaves. On the other hand when new leaves emerge they are initially a burgundy red but as they mature they become a dark green. As the leaves mature it will turn to almost black
    • Philodendron Black Cardinal can be grown indoors, Best air purifier plant.
    • Low maintenance plant. Moderate watering required
    • Very well adaptable to indoors with good light.

    Plant Height:  approx 15 inches including the pot
    Pot size : 5 inches nursery pot


  • Philodendron Burle Marx 

    0 out of 5
    • Philodendron Burle Marx low-maintenance, but its leaves are extraordinary and eye-catching!
    • They are know to grown in the lowest indirect sunlight.
    •  Hard to kill plant. Moderate watering required
    • Very well adaptable to indoors with less light and moderately growing plant

    Height:  approx 13 inches including the pot
    Pot size : 5 inches nursery pot


    ** Plants photos are for representation purpose only. We will make best efforts to send the plants as in photos itself.  There may be small white dots on the plant, as these plants cared in nursery using the hard water and pesticide spray. However these will eventually disappear as you take care and clean the leaves.

  • Philodendron Congo

    0 out of 5
    • Philodendron ‘Congo’ is a bright green, almost fluorescent hybrid known for its cheerful look and its ease of care
    • They are the best house plants with large leaves
    • Low maintenance with partial sun light. Hard to kill plant. Moderate watering required
    • Very slowing growing plant with almost 3mt when in indoors.

    Height:  approx 20 inches including the pot
    Pot size : 8 inches nursery pot


    ** Plants photos are for representation purpose only. We will make best efforts to send the plants as in photos itself.  There may be small white dots on the plant, as these plants cared in nursery using the hard water and pesticide spray. However these will eventually disappear as you take care and clean the leaves.

  • Philodendron Emerald Green

    0 out of 5

    Philodendron emerald green or Philodendron Emerald Duke is a vining aroid , self-heading with bright green elliptical leaves.Philodendron is one of the easiest of all house plants to grow. They love warm weather, water and shade.

    Plant Height: approx 24 inches including the pot
    Pot size : 8 inches nursery pot


  • Philodendron Goeldi

    0 out of 5

    Philodendron Goeldii is also known as Finger Leaf that belongs to the family Thaumatophyllum Spruceanum. Philodendron Goeldii is a gorgeous plant that has star-shaped leaves that create a tropical impression on the house.

    Plant Height: approx 30 inches including the pot
    Pot size : 8 inches nursery pot


  • Philodendron Jungle Boogie

    0 out of 5
    • Philodendron Jungle Boogie Plants are an interesting plant for interior decorating. Tiger Tooth Philodendron has glossy green, deeply cut leaves that create a beautiful tropical accent in any room or office.
    • Philodendron Jungle Boogie or Tiger Tooth Philodendron has long, narrow leaves with distinctive, deep serration all along the edges
    •  It makes an attractive, easy-to-grow plant for low light areas of the home that need some interest, and it adds exotic appeal wherever it’s grown. It can take low humidity in the air, low soil moisture, as well as low light.

    Plant Height:  approx 24 inches including the pot
    Pot size : 8 inches nursery pot


  • Philodendron Melinonii Gold

    0 out of 5
    • Philodendron Melinonii Gold is a bright yellow and green, almost fluorescent hybrid known for its cheerful look and its ease of care
    • They are the best house plants with large leaves
    • Low maintenance with partial sun light. Hard to kill plant. Moderate watering required
    • Very slowing growing plant with almost 3mt when in indoors.

    Height:  approx 20 inches including the pot
    Pot size : 8 inches nursery pot


  • Philodendron Micans (Big)

    0 out of 5

    Philodendron micans is a stunning philodendron variety that is known for its velvety, heart-shaped leaves and trailing growth habit. It has become extremely popular as a houseplant and can be difficult to come across in some regions as a result; but if you are able to get your hands on one you won’t regret it. Philodendron micans look great in hanging planters or climbing moss poles or trellises

    Philodendron ‘Micans’ has velvet-textured heart-shaped leaves that are greenish bronze with reddish brown undersides. It produces long vining exotic stems.

    Plant Height: approx 38 inches including the pot
    Pot size : 8 inches nursery pot


  • Philodendron Moonlight

    0 out of 5
    • Philodendron ‘Moonlight’ is a bright green, almost fluorescent hybrid known for its cheerful look and its ease of care
    • They are the best house plants with large leaves
    • Low maintenance with partial sun light. Hard to kill plant. Moderate watering required
    • Very slowing growing plant with almost 3mt when in indoors.

    Height:  approx 18 inches including the pot
    Pot size : 8 inches nursery pot


  • Philodendron Pink Princess

    0 out of 5

    Pink Princess Philodendron is an evergreen vining plant from the Araceae family (the aroids) that can grow up to 4 feet tall but usually stays around 2 feet when kept as a potted plant. It has burgundy stems and petioles and aerial roots that emerge from nodes. New leaves unfurl with burgundy coloration (gradually becoming variegated) or with pink and white variegation in place.

    Plant Height: approx 11 inches including the pot
    Pot size : 4 inches nursery pot


  • Philodendron Pink Princess (Big)

    0 out of 5

    Pink Princess Philodendron is an evergreen vining plant from the Araceae family (the aroids) that can grow up to 4 feet tall but usually stays around 2 feet when kept as a potted plant. It has burgundy stems and petioles and aerial roots that emerge from nodes. New leaves unfurl with burgundy coloration (gradually becoming variegated) or with pink and white variegation in place.

    Plant Height: approx 44 inches including the pot
    Pot size : 10 inches nursery pot


  • Pilea depressa ‘Sao Paulo’

    0 out of 5
    • Pilea depressa ‘Sao Paulo’ is a succulent that has such beautiful,  is an easy-to-grow plant , usually grown as a house-plant, with small, round almost fleshy foliage.
    • It can be grown indoors as well as outdoors. Pilea depressa ‘Sao Paulo’ are a fast-growing perennial plant. Hard to kill plant. Moderate watering required
    • Very well adaptable to indoors with good light
    • The Pilea depressa is not poisonous to humans and animals

    Height:  approx 8 inches including the pot
    Pot size : 6 inches nursery pot

    ** Plants photos are for representation purpose only. We will make best efforts to send the plants as in photos itself.  There may be small white dots on the plant, as these plants cared in nursery using the hard water and pesticide spray. However these will eventually disappear as you take care and clean the leaves.

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