
Sansevieria Boncel

Original price was: ₹700.Current price is: ₹650.

This product is available for shipping only in Bangalore

Sansevieria boncel, also known as the Boncel snake plant or dwarf snake plant, is a popular cultivar of the Sansevieria genus. It is a compact and miniature version of the common snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) and is highly valued for its unique appearance and ease of care.

Plant Height:  approx 10 inches including the pot
Pot size : 4 inches nursery pot


1 in stock
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Sansevieria Boncel plants are rare but worth searching for. They are a more compact hybrid of Sansevieria cylindrica, or snake plant, a more common succulent. The plant has fan-shaped light green foliage with dark green concentric circles from the top to the bottom of the leaf. Young “pups” spring from the base of the plant and can be easily transplanted to propagate new plants.

Plant Care:Sansevieria Boncel  like to dry out completely between watering’s. The most common mistake made with these plants is overwatering. Even if your plant is placed in ample bright indirect light, you won’t need to water it more than once every 10 days (at most) during the growing season. Do not over water it. Keep it in a place where you have a sun light , NOT the direct sun. For a this plant, you need well-draining soil. This type of soil ensures excess water drains through the plant pot. This prevents all that extra water from building up in the soil. When there’s too much water in your plant’s soil, it blocks the oxygen from getting through to the roots. The lack of oxygen to a plant’s roots can cause root rot. Root rot is just as the name sounds. It’s when the roots of a plant start to rot away.

General advise about Indoor plants: Indoor plants require a indirect or filtered sun light (NOT the direct sun) . Each indoor plants have a different requirement of sunlight. So please google or read about the plants light requirement. Plants growth and survivability also depends on the climate and seasons. In simple words right amount of sun light, water, manure , pest control . There is no set standard for watering. Each plant has varying requirement of water . Check if the plants stores water in their leaves or in rhizomes (bulb like structure in the roots). Check when the soil is dry then put the water. Over watering kills the plant due to root rot. Best suggestion is to shift the plants outside (in shade) once in awhile till they recover.


** Plants photos are for representation purpose only. We will make best efforts to send the plants as in photos itself, however it is not always guaranteed as plants might overgrow or shrink depending on the season, care or age.